Keys to the Kingdom
National Anthem
The Office


Charts and Graphs


GDP at Constant Prices (1985 Prices)

GDP Real Growth Rates 1990-1997

GDP Growth Rates, International Comparison 1996

Sources and Uses of GDP at Current Prices 1997

Private Consumption 1992

Distribution of Government Expenditures (Defense & Civilian) 1997

Defense Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP at Current Prices 1990-1997

Government Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP 1990-1997

Government Deficit/Surplus (Pre-Financing, Pre-Grants) as a Percentage of GDP 1989-1997

Foreign Debt as a Percentage of GDP 1990-1997

Inflation Rates 1990-1997

Inflation Rates International Comparison Average 1990-1995

Unemployment Rates 1990-1997

1996 Unemployment Rates: International Comparison

Gross Investment as a Percentage of GDP 1990-1997

Gross National Savings as a Percentage of GDP 1990-1997

Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of GDP 1996

Foreign Aid: Loans and Grants to Jordan 1994-1996

Total Foreign Assets of the Central Bank of Jordan 1990-1997

Breakdown of Labor Force by Occupation 1997

Breakdown of Labor Force by Sector 1997

Development of Jordan’s Exports 1965-1997

Breakdown of Exports 1995-1997

Total Exports of Goods 1990-1997

Geographic Distribution of Exports 1997

Domestic Exports by Economic Sector 1997

Domestic Exports:1992 vs. 1997

Imports by Economic Sector 1997

Imports of Goods by Economic Use 1994-1997

Exports and Imports of Goods 1992-1997

Exports and Imports and Trade Balance of Goods by Region 1997

Current Account Deficit (According to Cash Basis) as a Percentage of GDP 1990-1997

Source: Ministry of Planning.